Conference + Chill: Outdoor Adventure Photography Edition!

Hang out with me on November 15, 2020! 9am -8pm PST.

I am thrilled to be hosting the Outdoor Adventure edition of Conference + Chill, a virtual photo gathering connecting creatives around the globe. I'll also be co-hosting the event with my partner Meghan J. Ward, a woman of many talents you might also know as the lady in the red dress!

Conference + Chill: Outdoor Edition is an all-day virtual event stacked (a project of Pepper) with top-notch guest speakers sharing their talent, knowledge, and general good vibes!


Tickets for full-day access cost only $59 and include a coveted Swag Bag, access to replay each presentation, and the opportunity to win fantastic prizes throughout the day.


Dave Brosha

A friend and co-founder of OFFBEAT, Dave will be presenting The Life, Adventure, a collection of travel and adventure images from around the world that address the ethics of travel photography and the reasons we explore. He'll also dive into creating images that aren't only pretty, but also tell stories.

Cliford Mervil

Presenting My Path to Becoming an Outdoor & Commercial Photographer, Cliford will walk us through the ups, downs, twists, and turns he faced on his journey to become a full-time creative.

Angela Percival

Senior Outdoor Photographer for Arc'teryx for more than a decade, Angela Percival has masterminded wild expeditions to some of the world's most remote places. Angela will share images and stories about pushing the limits of outdoor photography.

Peter Mather

Peter Mather is an established photographer focused on northern wildlife and culture. He will present How to Try and Fail at Becoming a National Geographic Wildlife Photographer. You're guaranteed to laugh and learn from the story of his futile attempt to. live every wildlife photographer's dream.

Irene Yee

A successful climbing photographer based in Las Vegas, Irene's unique perspective shines a light on the social and community aspects of climbing.

Follow @CONFERENCEANDCHILL on Instagram for updates!